Hello, I’m Linda …

Welcome to Muy Linda Travels…

a Travel Blog for Women who travel solo featuring travel guides, tips, itineraries, photographs and more…

If you like a bit of comfort when you travel but you’re happy to rough it sometimes this blog is for you. I usually stay in mid-range hotels but I love good value and sometimes I’m on a budget. I’m often willing to spend a bit more to have the best experience I can when I’m discovering a new place… and an occasional luxury is always nice.

Over the years I’ve visited around 50 countries on 5 different continents. I love to travel in Asia, particularly Southeast Asia and, as an Australian, I’ve travelled extensively in Australia. Solo travel gives me the freedom to go where I want when I want.

Sometimes I take a companion and sometimes I combine my job as a teacher with travel but when I travel alone I’m more in the moment, open to new experiences and meeting new people.

This blog is an opportunity to share my travel tips, experience and advice… and my photos. I hope it will empower other women and give them the confidence to explore the world with or without a partner or friend.

I hope you find my blog helpful and inspiring…

How the Muy Linda Travel Blog got its name

When I was searching for a name for my blog I remembered visiting Iguazu Falls in South America on the border of Argentina and Brazil. I was completely blown away by this amazing waterfall. I kept hearing people saying “muy linda” over and over as they looked in awe at the stunning waterfall. “Muy linda” means “very pretty, lovely or beautiful” in Spanish and now I associate “Linda”, the name my Dad gave me, with the beauty and the power of Iguazu Falls…I like that!

Let’s Connect!

Why I built this website

I started @muylinda as an Instagram page & found it quickly turned into a solo travel blog. I loved revisiting my adventures and it brought back some great memories of the amazing places I have visited, the experiences I’ve had & the people I met along the way. So I started writing articles & making videos. The travel bug is still strong so who knows where it will take me…..

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